Heartland Public Information Director Steve Fast talks about a February event that will help students complete an essential piece of financial aid information.… MORE

Heartland Public Information Director Steve Fast talks about a February event that will help students complete an essential piece of financial aid information.… MORE
Dr. Erin Fogarty, Health Education and Marketing Director for the Livingston County Health Department, talks about changes in Illinois law that will affect people who vape.… MORE
Deb Howard, Executive Director of the United Way of Livingston County, talks about the current campaign and about how you can participate.… MORE
Pontiac District 429 Superintendent Mike Weaver talks about wrapping up 2023, and about career opportunities at the district including opportunities for people who don’t have teaching credentials.… MORE
Jodi Martin, CEO at the Boys and Girls Club, introduces us to the new Chief Operating Officer, Jessica Howard.… MORE
Jack Myers from the Social Security Administration talks about the important information available in a “My Social Security” account.… MORE
Pontiac Mayor Bill Alvey talks about wrapping up 2023, the Pontiac Holiday Tournament, and getting the ice rink up and running.… MORE
Superintendent Jon Kilgore and Guidance Chair Lisa Meyer from PTHS talk about how support is given to students in need during the winter break.… MORE
Teresa Diemer, Drug and Alcohol Program Director at IHR, talks about a new support group that focuses on the needs of families that are facing the addiction of a loved one.… MORE
Pontiac Public Library Director Kristin Holzhauer talks about a local author’s appearance at the library, and about a partnership with Accolade Health Care that should brighten the holiday season.… MORE